Friday, August 20, 2010

Self-Bio Assignment

Assigned Aug. 23, 2010
Due midnight Aug. 29, 2010

Write a Self-Bio of 500 words or more. Write it like a feature story. Use a creative lead. Make it revealing. Tell me something distinctive about you. Your story doesn’t need to focus exclusively on your interest and experience in journalism or your career goals, but mention them in passing so I’ll know where you’re headed. Format your story as a Word document. The filename should start with your last name, like this: ViethSelfBio.doc.  Double-space the text. At the top of the first page, include the following information, substituting your name, etc.:
Warren Vieth
Aug. 20, 2010
523 words

I rue the day I was born…

Upload your Word file to the Self-Bio Dropbox in D2L by midnight Sunday, Aug. 29.

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