Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fort Sill Interviews

•    Do your troops receive adequate training on how to spot and avoid this kind of IED?

•    Were all required precautions taken before embarking on this assignment?

•    Are there any steps you can take to avoid similar incidents in the future?

•    What can you tell us about the two injured soldiers?

•    How much does the squad leader's death weigh on your soldiers as they go out on patrol? Has morale been undermined?

•    What action has been taken in response to the Wikileaks disclosure that Staff Sergeant Floyd shot and killed three Afghans?

•    Recent reporting has called attention to widespread corruption within the Afghan army and police. How has that affected morale among your soldiers? How can the U.S. hope to prevail in Afghanistan under those circumstances?

•    Recent polls show that Afghans in your district have negative opinions about the U.S. mission.  Have those feelings complicated your job or endangered your soldiers?

•    Recent reports indicate that the Taliban is responsible for increasing opium production and that the profits are being used to provide basic services to citizens. What are your soldiers seeing on the ground, and how badly has this undermined the mission?

•    What about reports that marijuana use is widespread among Afghan soldiers and police?

•    Why do we need 120,000 troops in Afghanistan?

•    Are even more troops needed to prevent incidents like this?

•    Do your soldiers support President Obama's policies in Afghanistan?

•    Based on what you've seen within your units, is the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy effective?