Tuesday, September 28, 2010

ONA Online Journalism Awards Student Finalists

Multimedia Feature Presentation, Student

S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University: SyracuseDiners.com

UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism: A Seed is Forever

UNC School of Journalism: Living Galapagos

Western Kentucky University Fleischaker-Greene Scholars: Farm to Fork: Investigating Agriculture

Online Video Journalism, Student

S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University: The Fall Workshop

Knight Center for International Media, School of Communication, University of Miami: My Story, My Goal

"Midterms 2010: What You Need To Know"

Click here for Washington Post online politics page.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fort Sill Interviews

•    Do your troops receive adequate training on how to spot and avoid this kind of IED?

•    Were all required precautions taken before embarking on this assignment?

•    Are there any steps you can take to avoid similar incidents in the future?

•    What can you tell us about the two injured soldiers?

•    How much does the squad leader's death weigh on your soldiers as they go out on patrol? Has morale been undermined?

•    What action has been taken in response to the Wikileaks disclosure that Staff Sergeant Floyd shot and killed three Afghans?

•    Recent reporting has called attention to widespread corruption within the Afghan army and police. How has that affected morale among your soldiers? How can the U.S. hope to prevail in Afghanistan under those circumstances?

•    Recent polls show that Afghans in your district have negative opinions about the U.S. mission.  Have those feelings complicated your job or endangered your soldiers?

•    Recent reports indicate that the Taliban is responsible for increasing opium production and that the profits are being used to provide basic services to citizens. What are your soldiers seeing on the ground, and how badly has this undermined the mission?

•    What about reports that marijuana use is widespread among Afghan soldiers and police?

•    Why do we need 120,000 troops in Afghanistan?

•    Are even more troops needed to prevent incidents like this?

•    Do your soldiers support President Obama's policies in Afghanistan?

•    Based on what you've seen within your units, is the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy effective?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

"When a Fringe Figure Becomes News"

In the age of Facebook and YouTube, how should the news media have responded to Terry Jones and his plan to burn the Koran? 

By Rick Perlstein
New York Times, Sept. 10, 2010

The problem is not the Web. Anti-JFK rallies "revealing" to every school child in Orange County, California that Communists planned to colonize the United States by the year 1970 drew bigger crowds than Tea Parties today, with nary a blogger among them.

The problem is that elite media gatekeepers have abandoned their moral mandate to stigmatize uncivil discourse. Instead, too many outlets reward it. In fact, it is an ironic token of the ideological confusions of our age that they do so in the service of upholding what they understand to be a cornerstone of civility: the notion that every public question must be framed in terms of two equal and opposite positions, the "liberal" one and the "conservative" one, each to be afforded equal dignity, respect — and (the more crucial currency) equal space. This has made the most mainstream of media outlets comically easy marks for those actively working to push public discourse to extremes.

Don't blame the minister and his bait-and-switch bonfire either. Once upon a time anticommunist book burnings and threats of book burnings were not unheard of. The difference is that Associated Press reporters did not feel obliged to show up. That shift in news values, not the rise of the Internet, is the most profound way that times have changed.

In 1961 Time magazine called these "Ultras" alien and strange, and pronounced, "Wherever [they] arise, they cause domestic acrimony," and judged they should be "wooed back into normal channels of political expression." That last clause was perhaps a bit too much editorializing.

But by 1995, however, any hint of stigma had devolved into slack perplexity: "Is Rush Limbaugh Good for America?" was a cover headline that year. Fifteen years later a bedazzled Time dropped the skepticism, crowning Glenn Beck as "the hottest thing in the political-rant racket….A gifted entrepreneur of angst….tireless, funny, self-deprecating," who "has lit up the 5PM slot in a way never thought possible by industry watchers." Such treatment of people who distort things for a living cannot but push the bounds of permissible ideological performance art in ever more extreme directions.

There are responsible news stories to be written about people like this. On February 24, 2009, President Obama delivered the speech unveiling his economic stimulus package, renewing his promise for middle class tax cuts. The next day Rush Limbaugh reviewed it, introducing his now-frequent proposition that whatever the president says he "means the opposite in most cases." Rush Limbaugh has 20 million listeners every day, many of whom call themselves Limbaugh's "dittoheads." He teaches one of every 10 adult Americans to automatically disbelieve anything their nation's chief Constitutional officer says, as an axiom. This is news, maybe front page news.

Likewise, just the other day, talker Steve Malzberg of WOR — a 50,000 watt heritage station with a weekly program hosted by Mayor Bloomberg — carried out a sympathetic interview with the book-burning pastor himself, with callers chiming in with approval for the spirit of his proposed act. That broadcast in itself is more newsworthy than whatever it is the minister's 50 followers did or didn't end up doing down in Gainesville — even if presented, as the AP promised to its client papers, "in a clear and balanced context."

The coverage is already the context -- and was a priori unbalanced. The genie is of course already out of the bottle; after a certain point, news is news. Editors should reflect, though, for the future. "We're sick and tired of being ignored," a Beck follower was quoted in a cover story in Time magazine. Yet a Time/CNN poll found only 5 percent of a nationwide sample had participated in Tea Party events. This is not balanced coverage. It is coverage distorted grotesquely beyond measure.

Rick Perlstein is the author of "Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America" and "Before The Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus."

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

State Fair Assignment

For Blog Post 5, due midnight Sunday, Sept. 26:
Check out a camera.
Go to the State Fair.
Find a news or feature story.
Produce a 2-minute video story consisting of one or more interviews.
Include lots of B-roll shots.
Convert your finished video to QuickTime format and post on your news blog.

The State Fair begins Thursday, Sept. 16, and ends Sunday, Sept. 26, the same day your video is due. Gate admission is $8, but it's reduced to $1 on Thursday, Sept. 16, and $2 on Tuesday, Sept. 21. If any of you absolutely cannot make it to the fair, please let me know soonest.

For more information on the State Fair, see http://www.okstatefair.com/.

Photo Package Assignment

For Blog Post 4, due midnight Sunday, Sept. 19, you will post a photo package consisting of at least three photos illustrating a news event or feature subject. The three photos should include a wide-angle (establishing) shot, a medium-angle shot, and at least one close-up. Try to incorporate the photo composition techniques presented by Julie Jones. Use PhotoShop to retouch and resize your photos to 720 pixels for the longest dimension and 72 dpi for the resolution. Write a fat paragraph summarizing what the photos are about. Be sure to include cutlines and a credit line (Photos by Mr. X).

You DO NOT have to report and write a First Five Graphs news story for this blog post. Sources and quotes are optional. Photos with identified human subjects will receive higher grades than photos of buildings and unidentified people.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Revised Schedule

Sunday, Sept. 12
Due midnight
•    Blog Post 3 (FFG & photos)

Monday, Sept. 13
•    Blog Post 3 feedback
•    AP Style: numbers, its & it’s
•    Final Cut

Wednesday, Sept. 15
Due by class
•    Elements Chapter 4 summary
•    Presentation 1
The Evolution of Online News: Past, Present, Future
o    Team 1—Michael Acker, Tyler Aljoe
o    Team 2—Kasey Chapman, Katie Hammock
•    Quiz 3
•    Elements Chapter 4
•    Final Cut